Can One Boy Save a Kingdom?
Armed with electric powers, Tastu is going to try in Red Sprite! Own in digital!
Armed with electric powers, Tastu is going to try in Red Sprite! Own in digital!
Frankenstein's other, but lesser known monster, Urian Brown takes a look at this week's issue.
Chairman of the "Gremlins are Real" committee and SJ Editor Urian Brown takes a look at this week's issue.
Lifelong Snoopy for President voter and SJ Editor Urian Brown takes a look at this week's issue.
Future scary skeleton and SJ Editor Urian Brown takes a look at this week's issue.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee! Doc Brown sets 'em up and Hassan knocks 'em out in this week's issue review!
Inventor of the disgusting Halloween snack "Candy Corn on the Cob" Urian Brown takes a look at this week's issue.
Rainy day and Monday survivor Urian Brown takes a look at this week's issue.
Demander-of-large-and-expensive-barfday-presents Urian Brown takes a look at this week's issue.
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