The Friend, an enigmatic cult leader who plans to destroy the world, declares, "The cosmos has begun choosing those who are true friends." Meanwhile, horrifying incidents are taking place: the emergence of a mysterious virus, the revelations of a man on the run... Kenji tries to find out who this Friend is, but the answer is still far ahead. The footsteps of doom slowly creep closer and a shadow falls over the city...

Yukiji remembers who came up with their group's enigmatic symbol: Otcho. She also discovers that, nine years earlier, Otcho had been working in Thailand but mysteriously vanished. Could Otcho be the mysterious Friend? Also, a legendary detective is hot on the trail of the Shikishima kidnappers, but the clues he uncovers lead him dangerously close to the Friends cult. Is his life now in danger as well?

Story and Art by Naoki Urasawa
Release April 21, 2009
ISBN-13 978-1-59116-926-0
Trim Size 5 3/4 × 8 1/4
Imprint VIZ Signature
Length 216 pages
Category Manga
Age Rating   Teen Plus

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