Nisekoi Vol. 13

Girl meets boy. Girl hates boy. Or does she...?

By John Bae January 20, 2016

Nis 13 Twisted Sister CovNisekoi: False Love. That's the title of the series referring to the fake relationship between Chitoge and Raku, but it's actually a series rife with characters in love. From Raku being in love with Onodera (and Chitoge!) to all the girls being smitten with Raku, this series is a cupid's dream come true! And it happens to everyone. No one is exempt. Even if you absolutely, completely, totally and wholeheartedly hate the other person's guts like Haru does with Raku...

Nis 13 Twisted Sister 1"What we have here is a failure to communicate."  
—Prison Warden in Cool Hand Luke

Though the quote above comes from the prison drama film Cool Hand Luke, you can basically apply that tenet to any romantic comedy where the two love interests start off by hating each other's guts. And, in my opinion, that tenet forms the basic driving force behind the more interesting dynamics between characters: Raku and Chitoge, Raku and Tsugumi, and most importantly to this volume, Raku and Haru!

Haru hates Raku. A lot. She hates him because of his playboy, gangster reputation and because he seems to have the hots for her sister despite being in a relationship with Chitoge. But what she doesn't realize is that this isn't the first time she's actually met him—she's met him multiple times!  Their first meeting occurred back when Raku was in middle school, dressed up as a mascot. He helps Haru out and she feels grateful. Flash forward a couple years, and Haru still doesn't know Raku the second time they meet. In fact, she doesn't even get to see his face, having fainted because of a group of boys advancing on her. Raku comes in the nick of time and saves her, and because of that, she's now in love with the mysterious knight in shining armor that saved her.

Nis 13 Twisted Sister 2

Which leads us up to volume 13. The volume begins with Haru accidentally overhearing a conversation between Shu and Ruri and learning about a big secret—Raku and Chitoge are pretending to be dating! Upon hearing this, Haru has an epiphany! Raku's...not a jerk! In fact, he's a pretty nice guy that is overly concerned with other people's feelings. And all this concern has now got her all bothered because...well...let's put it out there in the open—Haru likes Raku. But how can she resolve her feelings for Raku with her sister's feelings for Raku?!

Nis 13 Twisted Sister 3

I could tell you. But I won't. Because I want you to experience the joy of reading Nisekoi volume 13, available now!

by Sean Baylor