Publish with VIZ!

Check out our publishing opportunities and find the right fit for you!

By VIZ Media October 09, 2023


The VIZ one-shots program is a chance for aspiring creators, or mangaka, to develop a one-shot manga in consultation with experienced VIZ editors. A one-shot is a short, self-contained, manga of approximately 20-50 pages. We accept submissions both right-to-left (Japanese style) and left-to-right (western style).

Why a one-shot?

A one-shot allows us to get a clear picture of an aspiring mangaka’s potential and ambition. The shorter length of a one-shot requires a creator to portray engaging characters, great storytelling, and pacing, along with technical skills like paneling and composition as effectively as possible. All of these qualities are needed to become a professional mangaka.

Is the one-shot program right for me?

The aim of VIZ one-shot editors is to enhance your work to be the best it can be, so be prepared for feedback and advice! We’ll provide professional notes to supercharge the appeal of your work and creative talents for the international manga market. If selected for publication, VIZ will pay for the work to be published on VIZ Manga and you will retain your copyright. Our goal is to help create a fanbase for your work, and open the door to future opportunities including digital serialization, print publication, or collaborating with us on an all-new manga!

VIZ Originals

See your manga on shelves alongside your favorite creators! The VIZ Originals team collaborates with talented manga-inspired creators to publish their series or standalone manga in print. Experienced VIZ editors are looking for original manga featuring impactful storytelling and an elevated black and white art style to publish alongside the world’s most popular manga.

Is VIZ Originals right for me?

VIZ Originals seek out experienced creators whose portfolio of work showcases dynamic paneling, skillful black-and-white artwork, and compelling storylines that keep readers hooked. Creators looking for a more traditional publishing experience including editorial guidance, print & digital publication of their work, marketing, publicity, and distribution of their series everywhere you find VIZ manga should consider submitting to VIZ Originals.

Read our submission guidelines to make sure you have everything you need for either the one-shots program or an ongoing series pitch for VIZ Originals!

Ready to submit? Go straight to the Submissions Portal!