Nihongo Lesson 09/30/16

Don't feel lost trying to learn a new language! Let our tips guide you to fluency!

By John Bae September 30, 2016

Welcome to the Nihongo Lesson feature. We strive to give you useful manga-based Japanese language tips and maybe even a glimpse into the translation process. This week’s lesson will feature some terms from the amazing space survival manga Astra Lost in Space! If you haven’t been reading the chapters of this series for free on the Shonen Jump website, you’re missing out!

KANATA (カナタ and 彼方)

KANATA is the name of the main character in Astra Lost in Space, and it’s also in the Japanese name of the series. In Japanese, the series goes by KANATA NO ASTRA, which can be translated literally as something like “Astra of the Beyond.” Or maybe “Kanata’s Astra,” though the main character’s name is written in katakana while the title is in kanji. KANATA has the perfect name for this series, as his last name is Hoshijima, which can mean “star island.”

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UCHUU (うちゅう)

UCHUU means “outer space.” One of the great things about reading this manga is that you get to learn tips about being in space. Here's number one on the list: Don’t touch giant glowing balls! Chapter 3 even provides some useful survival tips when it comes to eating potentially poisonous food. Make sure to read this manga before heading out to space!

JUURYOKU (じゅうりょく)

JUURYOKU means “gravity.” No outer space series would be complete without some scenes in zero gravity. And Astra Lost in Space features it in the very first chapter. Being in space with no JUURYOKU sounds fun, but it also has the potential to be absolutely terrifying. The crew of the Astra needed some quick thinking when they suddenly found themselves…lost in space. Luckily for them, Kanata is a pretty good leader!

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Read chapters of Astra Lost in Space for free HERE!