Is It Two Years Already?

Let's celebrate the greatest magical girl of all time!

By Charlene Ingram April 04, 2016

How are you all liking the new VIZ site? With this space, the VIZ team can give you the latest and greatest updates on all your favorite anime. It's no secret, one of the team's favorite shows is the quintessential magical girl epic, Sailor Moon!

Nearly two years ago, we announced the series by surprise at Anime Central in Chicago, IL. For the first time, all 200 episodes, specials and movies would be coming out in English! Since then, we have been releasing subtitled episodes every week. Just point your eyeballs here at for buckets of Moon Kingdom goodness. For fans of the all-new, uncut English dub, both season 1 and season 2 have been released on dual language Blu-ray and DVD. You can find the sets in all their shimmery glory at your favorite anime retailer, such as Right Stuf and Amazon!

As the whole team is super duper hard at work on season 3, Sailor Moon S, and the all-new series, Sailor Moon Crystal, we thought it would be fun to take a little trip down memory lane and check out some awesome Sailor Moon trailers for season 1 and season 2. Sailor Moon S (season 3) is definitely one of my favorite seasons (Outer Guardians are so cool!) and we think all fans of this beautiful arc are going to love what we're working on for it. As soon as there's more information on the Home Media releases of both Sailor Moon Crystal season 1 and Sailor Moon S, you will be the first to know!

Until then, it's time to marathon some episodes of Sailor Moon! Who is your favorite Sailor Guardian?