Skip Beat, Vol. 37

My favorite scene from the start of the Saena arc.

By Pancha Diaz October 14, 2016

It was hard for me to pick a favorite scene this volume! This is the start of the Saena arc, which I'm really excited about. But the arc is still ramping up in this volume, so none of the scenes really deal with the meat of the plot, and they're all spread out in the rest of the action. So when I flip through looking for that scene that captures my attention, I'm hoping for a Saena scene, but it's not time yet...

Once I let go of that, I found my favorite scene quickly. It's at the end, when Kyoko is in the depths of despair. Sho actually tried to help her, but he's not what she needs.


What she needs is Ren/Corn, the friend who held her when she cried as a child.

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There's a really lovely juxtaposition of the two of them when they were kids and now, and in both scenes Ren is comforting Kyoko. it's sweet and caring, and speaks to the depth of their relationship. Ren's hug is all the support, love, and acceptance Kyoko has been yearning for. It's a very pure moment, that almost exists outside the regular flow of their story, without their respective baggage. And it highlights that all drama aside, these two are good for each other.

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